Intarsia: Artistry In Wood


SKU: 978156523096 Category: Brand:


Intarsia: Artistry In Wood: 12 Projects for Every Occasion
Authors: Jerry Booher, Judy Gale Roberts
Pages: 72
Soft Cover
Size: 8.5 X 11

“Painting in Wood”

Join Judy Gale Roberts as she explores the craftsmanship and creative potential of Intarsia – the art of making picture mosaics in wood.

12 beautiful projects – perfect for the home and as gifts – are presented inside with complete instructions, patterns and color photographs of the finished projects.

These are all-new projects – never before made available in book form.

You’ll use just the natural color and grain of the wood – no painting or staining required – to make these useful and decorative pieces.

Cutting out each individual wooden piece is done on your scroll or band saw. Then, use the tested techniques that Judy has developed to shape and texture the final piece. Assemble your piece and get ready for the beauty it will bring to your home and the appreciation from your friends when given as gifts.

Judy Gale Roberts, a sculptress by training, is responsible for the resurgence of interest in Intarsia through her books, articles, classes, newsletter and design studio. Roberts Studio, run with the help of her partner Jerry Booher, is located in Sevierville Tennesee near Dollywood.

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